If you own a boat, you probably know how difficult it can be to clean it. Whether going on a leisure sale or fishing, your boat accumulates dust on the trip. Ask anyone, and they will tell you that the best way to clean your boat is power washing it. The target stream of water will remove dirt from corners and give your boat a brand new look.
We recommend killing two birds with one stone, i.e., cleaning your boat and dock. If you recently bought a boat and are thinking about cleaning it, let us guide you. You might make some mistakes at first, and that’s alright. However, there are some things you should avoid that might damage your boat.
Let’s take a look at the simple steps to cleaning your boat:
- Pressure wash your boat (No need for any chemical cleaners)
- For stubborn dirt stains, use a boat soap
- Once the boat is washed, use a hull polish
- Use a metal polish for the chrome and stainless steel components because water and soap can cause rust to build upon the parts.
Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Boat
Not Rinsing Your Boat
When you bring your boat back to dock, it carries along with debris, mud, and dirt that threaten the finish of the vessel. So, it would help if you rinsed the boat before scrubbing the hull. Even the smallest amount of dirt can scratch the coat and strip away the boat’s protective layer.
Not Storing the Boat Properly
Yes, you store your boat in a shed during the winter season and when the weather is particularly cruel in summer. However, if your boat is not properly covered, you risk damaging its exterior. U rays will not only weaken the wooden features but also dry the upholstery. This will cause cracks in the material and give your boat a neglected look. So, cover your boat with a plastic tarp and make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
Not Drying the Boat
Most people assume that letting the boat air-dry is a good option. Answer this first: Do you let your house or car window air-dry? No! You usually clean it with a newspaper or a microfiber cloth to avoid white spots and dirty streaks. The same goes for the boat.
While your boat’s exterior is not reflective, such a large surface catches dirt pretty fast. The white spots left on your boat will not affect its finish, making the boat look dirtier.
And this is why cleaning your boat the right way is more important than just cleaning it!
If you are looking for a quality floating dock or plastic docks in Saskatchewan, visit the Nor Col EZ Dock website. The company offers different types of docks, as well as docking accessories. To request a quote, email them here. For more information, call (800) 654-8168.