When you’re building a dock, you have to be careful regarding the kind of materials that you’re going to use. It’s necessary that the dock your build is stable and can withstand the activity that you want to pursue on it. Finding a decking material that will meet all your possible requirements is difficult, but you must find something that meets most of the essentials so you can compromise on the rest.
If you’re wondering about some suitable dock materials, don’t worry! We have listed all the possible materials so you know what decision to make.
This brand includes both softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods are not quite as dense. You can easily cut them up and use them to fashion your docks with relative ease. They come in various densities and are pest and rot-resistant, meaning you can decide the kind of attributes you want.
Softwoods are much cheaper to maintain as they don’t require as much time for you to grow. Hardwoods are generally more expensive and have a greater density. They need the same kind of care and consideration to maintain, however.
Hardwoods can be durable and last a very long time, so that the investment will stand the test of time. Floating docks are generally made from wood.
You may not think that this kind of plastic would be this useful. However, with technological advancements, PVC has come a long way. It is a lightweight material that is cheap. Thus, many people prefer PVC as a docking material as it can be a cost-efficient way for you to build a docking bridge. PVC docks look very similar to wood ones and can maintain their color and texture for a long time.
Mold and mildew are also not a problem for PVC materials. The material can easily be durable for about 30 years. However, the high-quality version of PVC can be costly. PVC decks also can’t take heat very well; they don’t insulate well in high temperatures, so they can get highly uncomfortable walking on in the sunlight.
Composite decking is an engineered material, meaning it can have more attributes than other materials. Composite decking involves both wood pulp and different types of plastics. Thus, it is a relatively eco-friendly decking option.
Composite decking is also something that can fit your aesthetic. It can also last for a very long time, up to 25-30 years, without you having to maintain it.
It does have some organic material, including wood pulp, which is why it may not be as resistant to rot as PVC.
If you feel you won’t be able to maintain your dock at all, then a wise choice would be to opt for a material such as aluminum. It doesn’t require a lot of maintenance if any at all. It can have some issues with dust accumulation, but apart from that, it is pretty durable and long-lasting.
One of the significant features is that it can conduct heat and get very hot during the summer months.
Final Thoughts
Are you still not sure about some good dock material? You can learn more about the kind of material to buy when visiting the Nor Col EZ Dock website for quality canoes and floating docks. The company also offers do-it-yourself ports, covered floating docks, plastic docks, kayak launches, etc. For a quote and more information, call (800) 654-8168.