There’s a myth that some humans have a sixth sense. When talking about fish, this is not a made-up thing. Fishes have a lateral line on either side of their body. It is filled with small hairs which detect movement. A fish can see something moving in the water, such as a bait or lure, right before it strikes. Fishes can’t see past 15 ft. but can spot shapes and colors. The water gets a little murky in a saltwater lake. Here, you need to choose your bait when fishing carefully. Let’s take a look at a different bait for saltwater fishing:
Jerk Bait – Soft Plastic Fluke
A fluke attracts fish in brackish water, saltwater, and freshwater. It is an artificial lure that is also available in the weedless form. One of the best things about this bait is that you can use it for surface fishing and attach weight to it for deep-water fishing. They are available in 25 colors, with watermelon being the most popular.
Bull Pop Floating Lure
This lure is perfect for catching striped bass. It has been redesigned in different colors and has a large cupped mouth that creates surface commotion to attract fish.
This is one of the best baits for saltwater fishing. It’s a favorite fish meal and can be used when fishing from a boat dock, bank, or pier. When hooking a shrimp, do not pierce it through the black spot, or you will kill it. The shrimp need to stay alive for some action so they can attract the fish.
Fishes love different shellfish species, including crabs, mussels, and clams. Shellfish offers versatility as bait. Since clams are slipper, you must first harden them under the sun for optimum hook results. A grouper is attracted to the shellfish’s scent, which makes it perfect for saltwater fishing.
As for crabs, they require special handling. Since you should keep the crab alive, you must be careful when hooking it.
Bonus: Scents
A great way to ensure that the fish takes your bait is to add a scent to it. This will get the shoal interested enough to attach on sight. One of the best scents is Dr. Juice Inshore Slam Scent. You will have dozens of fish in your net with a few drops of it on your bait.
Another way to attract fish is to cover your bait with bread, cheese, chicken, or raw bacon. You can also try stinky foods sealed in a jar or wrapped in cheesecloth. This trick works better when fishing in shallow water without a rod.
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