Surviving a Storm

Surviving a Storm on My Boat

It was midnight, and the water seemed a little bit rough. What I thought would be a night full of twinkling stars, calm waves, and me out on the deck with a beer bottle quickly turned into a nightmare where I fought to survive the looming bad weather. The sailor in me cursed because this…

What Causes Damage to Your Dock

What Causes Damage to Your Dock

Winter is coming. By now, we have all come to dread these three words. At first, they caused Game of Thrones viewers to fear for their favorite characters’ lives. With the strong winds looming, we should take the warning literally. We are trying to say the ice-cold season is upon us, and your dock is…

Buying Boat Insurance

Buying Boat Insurance

Whether you are an amateur or seasoned boater, you probably know the risks of owning a watercraft. As a first-time boater, you need to be familiar with all the coverage options available to protect your watercraft. Having boat insurance is not mandatory in Canada but having one lets you avoid risks like damage to your…

How to Clean Your Boat

How to Clean Your Boat

If you own a boat, you probably know how difficult it can be to clean it. Whether going on a leisure sale or fishing, your boat accumulates dust on the trip. Ask anyone, and they will tell you that the best way to clean your boat is power washing it. The target stream of water…

plastic docks in Manitoba

DIY Cleaning Solutions for Your Docks

Ahoy mateys! Yer dock be locking a wee bit dirty. Alright, we are being a little dramatic. If your dock is dirty, you might hear some version of this line from your friends. Having a boat is a huge responsibility. When it is docked at a marina, you don’t need to worry about cleaning it…

Dock Party Ideas

Dock Party Ideas

Summer is just around the corner, which means it’s time to get your dock ready for some fun. Don’t worry about the planning. Relax, and let us amaze you with our ideas to make your dock party a huge success. We guarantee that your friends will have a hard time leaving the party and your…

Motion Sickness on a Boat

How Not to Get Motion Sickness on a Boat

It’s common to feel uncomfortable, nauseous, and dizzy while traveling, whether in a car, airplane, train, or boat. This is usually caused by sensory confusion, from your eye to inner ears, sending conflicting movements signals. These signs lead to motion sickness and make it difficult for you to sit still and enjoy the ride. Ease…

Docking Myths

Docking Myths You Need to Know

Seasoned mariners believe in myths that have circulated in the boating world for years. One of the silliest myths people continue to believe is that sailors shouldn’t keep or eat a banana on board. The myth started in the 1700s when trade ships from Spain and the Caribbean would disappear, leaving only the yellow fruit…

Basic Boating Knots

Basic Boating Knots (Part 1)

For an experienced crew member or skipper, tying a knot according to the task being done is a matter of pride, security, and safety. There are hundreds of knots, ranging from simple to complicated, and not everyone can remember them all. In some cases, multiple knots can be used for a single task, making things…